Tim and the Silver Cup '24
This is the story of Tim and the Silver Cup '24. As Tim does, his reports are last minute and tries to make up for a lack of activity in the previous 11 months since he wanted to take the Cup for this year.
Tim takes the Cup golfing...
C'mon, man!!!
You better rinse that thing out!
Maybe we'll get more reports, maybe we won't. Tim?
Tim uses the Silver Cup as a recruiting tool. To quote Tim, "I found more players that can beat Bost in golf." Wow, harsh challenge from the guy who just days ago asked "What am I supposed to do with this damn thing?" Grasp the power of the Silver Cup! Sheesh, such a dolt.
The Silver Cup enjoys some water sports...
Tim puts the Silver Cup on the line in a pickleball tournament. Competion was fierce!
Aw, the rewards of sweet success....
..but now the Silver Cup knows where the skeletons are buried!!
Is there more in store for the Silver Cup? Stay tuned.
Tim and the Silver Cup go out to warm up for the big Class of 78 golf outing. There are some concerns that the Cup might be getting too attached to Tim. It follows him every where...
into the creek...
the weeds...
the sand trap...
and surprisingly on to the green!!
But there may be some jealousy. The Silver Cup dos not like the volleyball!!
All is well as Tim and the Silver Cup have one last sunset sail together before returning to Napoleon.
Who will be the next unlikey winner of the prestigious Silver Cup?
And where the heck is that Chrystal Chalice? Has anybody seen it?
Thanks to Tim for sharing his adventures with the Siver Cup.